Tuesday 25 January 2011

Okay - Bangkok - a review...

Looking back over previous posts I seem to give the impression that it's all sleaze and wrongness here in Bangkok, so let me make this clear.

Of course it's not!

Most of the Thai people are not go-go boys/girls - or ladyboys, and not every western person here is a paedophile pervert.

It just so happens that where I work there are a lot of Go-go bars and blatant prostitution; exploitation and smut are just a part of daily life in this part of town. Most Thai people are quite conservative and lovely, but they are accepting of these things which are just a part of daily life.

It's what people do here and it is quite open and dare I say it -fun.

I have sampled and experimented with all sorts of things I never would have dreamed of doing in London and that's what makes it so special here. The people I have met are incredibly fun and open and anything goes.

So when reading my blog remember it is just a small part of the Thai experience from my perspective. I hold down several jobs at which I am professional and respectful, and things like sexuality and promiscuity are not particularly a major issue to me because I am "farrang."

So no. even if I do teach some ladyboys, or some prostitutes I am mindful of their experiences and I'm just having fun with them and not belittling or insulting their choices.

Remember when you visit Bangkok,

1- The man checking your ticket probably isn't a hustler.

2- The woman serving your meal probably isn't a prostitute.

Come here and look for the beautiful and the brash, the enlightened and the liberated, but just make sure of one thing. You make sure you come here at least once in your life!


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