Monday 27 February 2012

Sometimes Peter Tatchell... You just... Grrrrrrr

I’m pleased I didn’t vote for Mr Tatchell to be my official Gaydom representative.

You may read this blog and assume that I am a mindless cock-sucker who flounces around the world oblivious to everything and everyone. Well, this is a blog for my friends as much as anything; so incase you hadn’t realized yet…

There is an element of self mockery here.

It is a parody.

Please do not, for one minute, think that I am not aware of just how fortunate I have been to experience a world of different cultures. In places where homosexuality has been outlawed, I have been very respectful of tradition. I have been mindful of the struggles that many people face. Homosexuals face a mountain of prejudice inherent in many institutions - notice I use the word "institutions," NOT people, there's a subtle difference.

Yes, believe it or not, I have encountered many people who don’t like the fact I am a homosexual. I have also encountered people who don’t like me because I am white, or the fact that I am Western, or English, or from the south west. Some ex-pats think I am posh (seems I’ve lost the old west-country accent then!) It is sad but true. 

Some people are not going to like what you are and there's fuck all you can do about it.

What have I experienced in Russia, or China, or Islamic countries? I have found thriving cultures of homosexuals calmly forging their way - despite abhorrent, oppressive legislation. Why?

Because anyone who has passed puberty, regardless of cultural background, understands that there are gay people in the world. like it or not, gay people exist everywhere.Persecution of anybody is abhorrent, but isn’t it more sensible for people who speak the cultural lingo to sort these issues out "on the ground" as it where? 

The experience of London, with regards to gay rights, is pretty amazing, but this is a cultural model that cannot simply be transposed to any other culture or city. These battles need to be fought and won within families and local communities. In my humble opinion, it doesn’t help to have someone from London telling you what you should do. 

It’s one of the reasons why I shudder when I hear Peter Tatchell banging on sometimes. 

I nearly balked when I read THIS ARTICLE in "The Daily Fail."

So, on the "evidence," of meeting a woman at a public event 20 years ago, our Peter feels compelled to comment on her personal relationships and subsequent addictions. He then goes on to imbue this tenuous idea with the weight of universal suppression of homosexual tendencies. Where? When? Who? Why? More to the point. What the fuck did Bobby Brown ever do to you Mr Tatchell? Did he knock you back at a urinal? 

I met a reasonably famous page 3 model who was performing at a HIV benefit gig in Manchester 10 years ago. She was ripped to the (admittedly huge) tits on vodka and clearly in a self destructive lesbian relationship. To be honest she was a total cunt. All day, to everyone, a total cunt, I'm not exaggerating. However, did I form a grandiose moralistic impression of this woman's entire life? No - she was just having a fucked up moment. Did I assume that she would be much better off if she was not in a lesbian relationship? No - it was none of my business.

There is a reason Pete's article appears in "The Daily Fail." It supports every homophobic assumption ever made. It perpetuates the myth that every gay in the world lives in a big gay bubble; a bubble where everything anyone does is motivated by an evil suppression of innate homosexual desire. 


Not everyone lives in Soho Pete! Believe me, I understand how ludicrous this sounds coming from a completely ridiculous homo-pastiche blog, but here's a thought Peter...



There are people in the world who actually enjoy having sex with members of the opposite sex. They are not living a hetero-normative stereotype.

There are also people who face each other during sexual intercourse. I know, freaky isn't it, it'll never catch on. 

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