Tuesday 10 August 2010

Stagnation breeds contempt...



Like unfinished sentences
Twisting, they defy your expectations
leaving you feeling...

Once you thought
Unshakable and solid
In your chosen path and then...


Then the failures
And with them came the broken dreams
And promises
That left you feeling...

So far so good so you rely upon your wits and so considered
Life becomes a joy
A challenge,
Something to be...

Now the past becomes a shaded map,
A grid from which you...

What I need at present is immediately clear and this dictates my latest change

You accept your past mistakes and shudder briskly for a moment,
Jumping,you're recoiling from the thought...
"I did! I did...I FUCKING DID!"

Who among us lives with no regrets?

I blush with pride from triumphs

Then again the jagged pain.

Just remember to complete your sentences.
Take what is given and forge a stronger present
Free from fear,
It only takes a jump,
A jolt,
Something like a...

Like a...

Something like a transformation.

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